Rising Up, Speaking Out, and Proudly Representing Democrats in Fannin County as Part of the
9th Congressional District in Georgia.
Make a Difference.....
Join a Sub-Committee
We have a variety of Sub-Committees that are working hard to spread the Democratic message in Fannin County.
Won't you join us?
Environmental Awareness
FCDP's Environment Awareness Sub-Committee is committed to addressing methods for protecting our county's lands and waterways, raising awareness of critical environmental issues impacting our county, and devising ways to work with the community to begin effecting the changes upon which our county, our country, and our world depend.
Candidate Recruitment & Voter Registration
Our Candidate Recruitment team will identify and mentor viable candidates to run in the upcoming elections. They will also attend all city and county related meetings to establish a presence in the community, and report back to the group to ensure all members are aware of decisions made by our local representatives.
The FCDP Voter Registration group will continue its mission of registering new voters and educating them on this process.
Our Fundraising Sub-Committee will hit the ground running to organize fundraising ventures throughout the year, with the primary goal of being able to support all of our candidates that run for office, up and down the ballot. It will also be responsible for partnering with local charities to foster further goodwill and enhanced awareness of the FCDP brand, further embedding our group in the community.